Dosetec conveyors belt scales renforce Ovako Wire’s capacity and quality

Ovako Wire, subsidiary of the steel manufacturing corporation Ovako Group, has invested in new Dosetec conveyor belt scales and silo scales at Ovako Wire’s Koverhar production plant in Lappohja, Finland.

The new scales equipped with Siemens’ Siwarex scale electorics have helped Ovako Wire to solve problems concerning raw material input, namely the time consuming dosing of raw materials and the inaccuracies occuring in the the measurement of raw material input.

Ovako Wire’s Koverhar plant refines iron pellets into raw iron for production of steel. Prior to dosing system upgrade the raw materials had to be dosed in phases, one material at the time, which resulted in undesired mandatory pauses between dosing phases. In similar fashion, the raw material input used to be measured on a separate scale causing inaccuracies in dosing, in turn making it difficult to maintain a uniform quality of production.

Due to implementation of the new Dosetec weighing system – connected directly to the plant’s main operation system – production bottlenecks have been minimized. The increased pace of the dosing process has in fact increased the overall production capacity of the entire facility, while also enhancing the accuracy of dosing significantly. Accurate dosing has in turn contributed to smooth and constant running of the production. The quality of production has also become more uniform, which also shows on the quality of the finished product.

Ovako Wire decided upon the Dosetec system because the equipment offered by Dosetec was the most suitable for this particular purpose. In addition to this, the company’s good reputation in techically similar projects along with the appreciated service orientation of the Dosetec personnel during the process tipped the scale permanently in Dosetec’s favour.

Ovako Wire Oy Ab in short

Ovako Wire is part of Ovako Group that was formed in merger of Ovako Steel, Imatra Steel and Fundia in 2005. Ovako Wire’s Koverhar production plant produces approximately 600,000 tons of steel per year for Ovako’s rolling mills with gross sales raeching 390 million euros in 2005.